
Child Protection: It is the sector responsible for providing information and activities that ultimately aim to provide child protection in the local and host communities and provide related services. The sector mainly aims to: Raise community awareness of child protection issues, respond to child protection cases and provide child-friendly spaces that help them to Returning to their normal lives under the current circumstances, apart from providing case management services and providing direct support to children and their families.

Protection teams working in this sector work to prevent and respond to abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence against children. Fixed and mobile teams have been allocated to reach the largest number of children. These teams work in the centers to educate the community about children’s rights and work through activities to ensure that children They grow up in conditions commensurate with providing effective protection and care, in addition to working with children in particular and providing case management services.

In this context, the protection teams worked on training for the local community and forming networks to support children and raise awareness of their rights in order to leave the best impact on the ground in the local and host communities.

Child protection programs are spread in the city of Harem, Maarat Misrin and Harem, and the number of children benefiting during the past five years has reached 55,000 children.